Well, change orders are SO Spring, but since they played such an integral role, I feel compelled to mention them even in the Summer. This season is shaping up to be crazy-making for a myriad of reasons that - I assume - are all to be expected when trying to open your first restaurant.
We were basically on track until about a month ago when I thought "holy crap, shouldn't someone be calling PG&E to line up the electrical service upgrade?" It came on the heels of me having done the same for gas service upgrade. I coordinated with contractors - who
had their fingers squarely up noses - and determined I needed to start the ball rolling. Many questions later, I thought "why the hell am I running this?", and passed it to them. Long story short, PG&E actually came out today to assess field conditions, throw their weight around, and lay down new fees. Good times. Bad news is that their antiquated hierarchy means many more weeks of sitting on our heels until we get power in the building. Getting power means firing up equipment, and getting our act together for the many final inspections nee
ded before we serve food. So, egg on my face for saying early July (2009) was when we'd open. Looking like sometime late August. Burn.
In the meantime, here are a couple photos of recent action. Enjoy.
BURN!!!! And as for the sign...I'm thinking lunch will be involved? ;)
I for one am willing to wait forever. But please, please don't make me wait forever. See you in August. (I'll be the one living in a tent on the sidewalk who will look like she hasn't showered in days just for the opportunity to have Lunch with Tony...riiiiight.) ;)
I was hoping you would open in August! Yesssssssss.
reverse psychology??
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